Showcase 26

Chen Xin Solo Exhibition Opening at F-SPACE.

Location: Beijing, China
Date: April, 2017


Artist Chen Xin’s solo exhibition opens at F-SPACE Gallery in Sanlitun, Beijing. HANRAD was commissioned to by the artist Chen Xin totransform his artwork, “the mountain No.1”, into a rug as part of the exhibition. The art rug collection inspired by Chen Xin’s artwork has been well received by both designers and clients. Mr. Radford congrats Chen Xin’s successful gallery opening and thanks him for the wonderful collaboration. HANRAD has recommended Chen Xin’s original artworks to several clients for interior design projects in the past. Some of these clients have become major collectors of his artworks ever since. HANRAD promotes both original artworks and art rugs as part of interior design projects to ensure the final outcome is both unique and visually inspiring.

view Chen Xin collection
